HiREB Fees – Initial Review

As of April 1, 2017 the administrative fee has increased to $3500.00 (Cdn) and is required for REB review of all industry-sponsored research projects reviewed by the Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board (HiREB), whether funding associated with the research project is administered through St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, McMaster University or Hamilton Health Sciences. The fee is payable for the initial review of an application to the HiREB regardless of whether the proposed industry-sponsored research project is investigator-initiated or sponsor-initiated. Please note the invoicing and collection of the fee is separate from the contract review process and therefore, it is not an option to negotiate the $3500.00 (Cdn) fee for REB review into the start-up fee.

The HiREB initial review fee invoice is sent to the sponsor within two days of the monthly HiREB meeting (invoices are sent electronically to the contact person named in Section 17 Q.5 of the REB General Application form).

HiREB Fees – Annual Renewals

As of April 1, 2017 there will be a fee charged of $300.00 (Cdn) for HiREB Annual Renewals for all industry-sponsored research studies.  An invoice for this amount will be emailed to the LPI/Study Coordinator following the monthly meeting.

HiREB Fees – Amendments

As of April 1, 2018 there will be a charge of $700.00 (Cdn) for major amendments; this only applies to industry-sponsored research studies submitted for review after April 1, 2018.  Examples of major amendments would be (i) an amendment that required an NOL from Health Canada; (ii) major revisions to a protocol including Summary of Changes, revised consent, etc.; and, (iii) a sub-study being added to the main study, this usually includes a separate protocol, study title, etc.  An invoice for this amount will be emailed to the LPI/Study Coordinator following the monthly meeting.

For information regarding the fee, please contact Sarah Atkins at 905-521-2100, ext 46243 or email atkinsar@hhsc.ca.



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Disclaimer: The Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board (HiREB) represents the institutions of Hamilton Health Sciences, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, Research St. Joseph's-Hamilton, and the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University and operates in compliance with and is constituted in accordance with the requirements of: The Tri-Council Policy Statement on Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Humans; The International Conference on Harmonization of Good Clinical Practices; Part C Division 5 of the Food and Drug Regulations of Health Canada,  and the provisions of the Ontario Personal Health Information Protection Act 2004 and its applicable Regulations; For studies conducted at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, HiREB complies with the Health Ethics Guide of the Catholic Alliance of Canada